A book I stumbled upon a few weeks ago came in from the library. I wish I'd read this book at the beginning of this journey, it really is a must read for a person just starting this overwhelming disease. It's a quick read, but lots of good content and advice. Bought a couple copies for my Infusion Day bag to give as He leads.
The surgery went well, with the exception being the surgeon discovered it was necessary to take 7 lymph nodes. This necessitated a drain, boo-hiss. I was able to come home same day as planned, grateful for that. The surgical team was very kind, caring and compassionate and I'm appreciative for each of them and their skills. The anesthesiologist was a pediatric dr. too, so when I was tearing up, she was gentle and caring with me, like she would be a child, which I appreciated. Tom and my mom were there the whole time, looking over me and being my support. So thankful. Pathology is back on the tumors and lymph nodes removed, there were no surprises and all looked great we're told. We were once again thrilled to get a good report. Thanking God for the medical team He has provided.
Today Tom and I met with the Radiation Oncologist. She seems very detail oriented and thorough, we're glad to have her working on eliminating every last remnant of the cancer that could possibly be hanging around. The radiation treatments, 15-30 minutes each day 5 days a week will last 6.5 weeks she says, starting in early February.
Along the lines of keeping it real, I feel like I've heard multiple times recently about people who have a cancer recurrence. A friend gave me a "fear not" bracelet this week. Couldn't be better timed. I have to be intentional to not let the enemy have what I've been given today, peace, His peace. He's given me a clean bill of health, and unless or until a different report comes in, I need to camp there and not in the "what if's". A scripture I need to lean into repeatedly,
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” —John 14:27
Thank you again for prayers, love, support and all you do to keep this journey moving forward. We continue to be wowed by your steadfastness in this season. We love you all.
that is a great verse! so appropriate!