And so I keep digging in, leaning into the Father, asking Him to do this through me. He sends so many of you to keep pointing me His direction, in case I lost my way, and there are moments I do, so grateful for you all. Those random texts, brief messages, emails, cards, dinners, anonymous things you do, and each prayer uttered, they humble, strengthen and encourage each of my family in ways that often bring me to grateful tears. THANK YOU! It doesn't seem enough to say, but it's so very heartfelt. Our family feels so loved and cared for in this season and I can't IMAGINE having to do this battle without any of it.
Last night Tom and I enjoyed our monthly date, thx to our babysitting swap. We walked along the Clear Creek, grabbed a bite, it was so nice to do something so normal together, beauty all around. A family was having their portraits done there and then I thought, THIS is the next location for our next family portrait, when my hair is back. And I pray that will happen next year. He has really been so much a rock during this trial. I am one blessed lady.
Today, I was asked by a friend on a walk what my "update" is. Truth be told, there isn't much of one, but I thought I'd let you all know that so you wouldn't be concerned. After having two chemos my pattern (which I'm told I shouldn't get attached to as it's up for change) seems to be this, the week after is not so great with nausea, thrush, a high fever last time, belly issues I'll spare you from the specifics of, and a couple headaches. Otherwise, not much else, so far been spared some pretty yucky other things. About a week after chemo, these side effects seem to subside giving me 2 good weeks of feeling a whole lot like my regular, old, self. Some of it never leaves, like the metal taste and the head cold like congestion in my chest and head, but I can manage those things.
So, I'll enjoy my next almost 2 weeks left of freedom before I go back into battle to kill cancer cells again. I'll be trying a different nausea med to try to make that a bit better, maybe some acupuncture as well so perhaps next time won't be quite so rough. But for now life is pretty normal. We're able to keep up with school, by and large, keep the house relatively running, and even a few of our normal life activities. Yippee!
I've been enjoying walking with some of you on my daily "walk the mom". Please keep letting me know if you are free for that. Before 9 a.m., or lunch, or in the evening are the best times.
You also have been so awesome to say, can we talk about your junk for 10 minutes and be done with it? Then I get to hear about your lives/families and how I can lift you in prayer and it makes my heart happy and I feel so normal in those moments, so thank you all for being so great about honoring my heart on that. I LOVE doing life alongside you all.
I suppose that's it for now. Enjoy your beautiful fall days, your families, your health no matter the degree of it, and your life, as we have been also. Because that's what we're doing and we think it's a great plan.
Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you
will be wise the rest of your life. You can make many plans, but the
LORD's purpose will prevail.
Proverbs 19:20-21