I keep a birthday letter for each of my kids on my computer and as I was typing out this one it occurred to me that friends might want to see our memory as well, here ya go.
What an amazing memory we made this year. Early in 2015, the AHG annual convention was being advertised. Every 5 years, they include the girls, otherwise, it's just the leaders. This year they said they would have a special recognition for Level Award winners. Both of you happened to be earning your Award this year (Kensey Sacajawea and Kay Lewis and Clark).
Your daddy thought we really should go. However, it was in Anderson, Indiana at Anderson University. Over a 1,000 mile drive. So your dad encouraged me to see if anyone from the troop would want to make a road trip of it. Our friends said they were up for it.
On our trip, Kay offered to help with the driving the next time we go to conference, in 5 years, She'll be 17 then. Wow, she'll be able to and I'll be glad to let her.
So thankful for AHG in our lives, what an amazing organization. http://americanheritagegirls.com/